This snake can steal equipment?

At the edge of the not-so-wide experimental area, the gravity of the ground suddenly distorted. Meteorite-like objects with blazing flames whizzed over and smashed down on the treasure hunters who were ready to make a move!

The force field was shaking, and the fire snakes were roaring.

The treasure hunters were shocked and furious!

Xu Nan's force field meteor came so quickly that they had no way to react.

Immediately, three treasure hunters were hit by the meteors and lost consciousness.There was also one person who was tripped by the mutated force field and fell to the ground. He was caught by the ferocious multi-headed evil snake and swallowed in one bite!

The meteors were still crashing down, and the earth trembled violently. A few meteors hit the head of the multi-headed evil serpent, and it retreated in pain, but it was obvious that it was not injured.

"What a vicious person!"