Ron's coffin (1)

The classification of items in the puluo world was relatively general.

Other than the inherent attributes of ordinary items, the additional effects were often lacking.For those that were one level higher, they would be the magical items that Xu Nan had come into contact with more often.

The difference between magical items was often greater than the difference between magical items and ordinary items. However, reality was not a game, after all, so it was difficult to grade everything.

Above magical items, the better quality was often the legendary and sub-legendary items.

Legendary items usually had a domain effect and some class characteristics, corresponding to the " authority " or " domain " of the artifact.Sub-legendary items were slightly inferior, but they usually had good potential. As long as they were improved and re-tempered, they were very likely to become true legendary items.

But this required a highly skilled Alchemist to be able to do it.