Searching for Xiao Cheng song (3)

"What's wrong?" Xu Nan was a little bewildered.

Could it be that the curse from before had not been cured? That's impossible! The young man's body looked strong, so he shouldn't be that weak.

Ben shook his head and bit his lips, "

"This voice ..."

"This is the sound of the green light."

Green light? One of the Shadow Realm's nine colors, the guy suspected to be the mastermind behind the scenes?

Xu Nan realized the severity of this matter. All of a sudden, the ceiling completed its final transformation and became almost transparent.

Xu Nan cast his gaze over and discovered that his perspective was quite mystical. He was actually looking down at the entire Hall from the top of the frost giant's coffin!

He saw the shadows of many people, including the Rogues of the ninth Manor, the treasure hunters, and quellas, who was being protected by guards!

"What is this?" Ben was also a little surprised.

"Ron's peeping device?" Xu Nan started to understand.