Black silk maid uniform (3)

Apart from that, the most stunning effect of the [ alluring Beauty ] suit was still the [ devastate Beauty ].

[ devastate beauty: special effect requires 25 charm. [ a willpower check will be performed on all living creatures around you every 60 minutes. The loser will become your Lackey. ]

The bootlicker's suit was now a stone hammer ...

Xu Nan helplessly closed the box and even started to dream. When he opened the box again, there was a set of formal clothes inside.

It's actually a maid's outfit ... I can just change to any other style, even if it's a beggar's gang outfit."

actually, the maid costume is fine, but why is there a tail?!

"Although my specialty is shame, I can't do something as shameful as stuffing my tail!"

He sighed as he used the clothes to measure his body.

In all fairness, the attributes of the 10000 fans set were really good.