The Black Dragon_3

As for himself, he would go deep into the black Dragon's Lair alone to find out the root cause of the strange movement.

In a sense, the risk that Xiao Liang took was a bit big.

However, he looked determined and excited.

"A young man who wants to prove himself?"

Xu Nan started to hesitate.

He did not know where this desire to prove himself came from.

It was just that since this mission appeared on a young man, and it was such a dangerous mission, Xu Nan felt that there might be an accident.

He thought about it for a while and finally decided to believe in Xiao Liang.

However, in addition to the items on the list, he also privately funded a set of better equipment for Xiao Liang.

Little Liang was a Stage 3 Dark Elf warrior, and the equipment she was wearing were ordinary items. Although Xu Nan had no way to directly give her a set of magical items, it wasn't a problem for her to give her enchanted equipment.