The gossip on the card table (1)

Mrs. Smith jumped up in joy and hurriedly brought Xu Nan into the castle.

On the way, she explained the relevant matters to Xu Nan in detail.

After all, Mr. Romand was the one who handed the cards to her. If she were to hand them over now, she still had to ensure that Xu Nan didn't make any mistakes.

And during this process, Xu Nan also understood why so many big shots had gathered for the blue accordion today.

In fact, this was a regular tea Party.

It was first started by Mr. Lutanson of Gray Eagle Castle. He used his connections to invite some old friends to his tea room for tea, but he set a rule that no one was allowed to use or touch anything related to magic during the Tea Party.

Other than that, everyone could speak freely, eat, drink, play cards, and so on.