A shameless person is fearless (2)

Just as Xu Nan was thinking of this, he suddenly saw a bottle of blue-colored medicine in Helena's hand from the corner of his eyes!

The potion was dark blue in color, with a golden walnut and some floccule inside.

"What do you want to do?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Helena raise the potion in her hand and smash it down on the ground!

This time, even Kai couldn't react.

In an instant, a large amount of blue bubbles filled the entire secret chamber. Xu Nan and Akai basically didn't have time to react. The entire room was sealed by the blue bubbles!

"Damn [ outer space ] ..."

This was the last sentence that Xu Nan heard from Akai when he was pulled away by a strange force.


It was a maze-like World with tall and dreamy buildings.

This was everything Xu Nan could see.

In this world, most of his abilities would be effective, but he would not be able to return to Lost Paradise.

"What kind of alchemy technique is this?"