Big! Big! Big!_1

Outside the dark red Nebula.

A small black dot was approaching the Dragon at an extremely fast speed.

However, after getting closer, Xu Nan didn't choose to enter the Nebula immediately. He chose to observe it first.

The magical Sky Dragon was too big. The legendary kun Peng in ancient China probably looked like this.

Xu Nan glanced over and could only see that long body that was like a continent floating in the starry sky. He couldn't see the end at all.

Looking down from this angle, they couldn't even see the Wizards 'figures. They could only see countless galloping magic beasts forming a wave, one wave after another crashing towards an unknown shore.

No wonder it was called the tide of Aurora.

if we exclude the risk factors, this place is a very good viewing spot.

Xu Nan sighed with emotion.

He controlled the sorcery broom and looked down. The beautiful scenery could be said to be in full view.