Chapter 222-this is plagiarism

The indicator light on the construct began to flash.

“.. You don't have enough authority."

unable to learn the details of the 771 order.

Xu Nan shrugged. This was more like it.

If he could really get the truth of the 771 command from the mouth of this construct, he would doubt the authenticity of the " truth ".

After all, it was only a construct leading the way.

Even if it was a projection world, it had its own laws. It was impossible for an outsider like him to know the important information on this spaceship so easily.

They waited in the waiting room for a while when the horn next to them suddenly sounded. Captain Delock's voice quickly came through.

"You two!"

"Hurry up and come help!"

"Follow the red line, hurry, hurry, hurry ... Fuck!"

After that, a series of muffled curses could be heard. It seemed that he didn't shut down his communication facilities. Xu Nan could even hear a series of nervous sounds.