Chapter 243-isn't the main point a bad ending?

Outside the man-made crystal wall.

The densely packed spaceships were waiting quietly. They lined up and tried one after another.

They were trying to break through the man-made crystal wall's destructive defense layer.

Some lucky Vanguard ships were able to successfully blend in.But more Vanguard ships were destroyed outside the man-made crystal wall.

Even so, the Army of soul stealers continued to advance.

But at this moment, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the vast space outside the man-made crystal wall.

These figures were blurry and wore long robes, but they all gave off a dignified and solemn feeling.

They were the projections of the seven Supreme Wizards in the history of stefnsan!

In the face of these terrifying projections, the Army of soul stealers became even crazier. They rushed toward the only gap in the man-made crystal wall like moths to a flame, but most of them were destroyed by these projections.