A realm that mortals can't reach (1)

Compared to Helena's statement, vigner's expression was more academic.

Of course, this also had to do with the target of the expression.

After all, at that time, Helena only explained godly alchemy to Xu Nan alone. As for vigner, he had to explain the concept of the deception society as well as the latest research progress to the many big shots in stefnsan.

He spoke very slowly, probably trying to organize his words and report his understanding and research results.

But even so, Xu Nan still found it very difficult to listen.

There were too many professional terms.

After inheriting Ron's blood, he was able to use a lot of common vocabulary proficiently, but many of the professional vocabulary used by vigner involved ancient alchemy, mixed with many vocabulary from the high Elves 'language, the Dragon language, and even the ancient God language.