Soul injection? _1

However, that trace of reminiscence only existed for a short while.

An Lun's cold little face showed anger.

"I was wondering who would want to get involved in this mess."

"So it's the Ron Warlock who's about to enter the arena?"

Romand smiled warmly.

"It's been a long time since I've fought. I should find someone to practice my skills with."

His tone was very calm, and with his current handsome appearance, he didn't look like a domineering King from the past.

But for some reason, from Xu Nan's point of view, anlun, who was clearly a God, seemed incomparably humble and insignificant in front of Romand.

Unknowingly, the surrounding scenery began to blur.

Even for the big shots who were spectating, Xu Nan couldn't see their appearances clearly.

However, he was not worried.

He had recognized a fact a long time ago. Before his strength had grown to the point where he could be on equal footing with the big shots, he just had to do his own job.