The one who kills me, Xu Nan (1)

Old continent, Saint Anton.

As the Holy Land of magic in the old continent, Saint Anton, which was also known as the [ immortal city ], had tens of thousands of Wizards.

They were the most loyal followers of anlun, the goddess of magic.

In order to express their admiration for anlun's power, the Wizards built a magic goddess statue that was up to 600 meters high in San Anton.

Saint Anton was located on a mountain peak that was thousands of meters high.

Standing on the city wall of the immortal city, one could see the mountains, rivers, and Plains of the old continent, but compared to the statue of the goddess of magic, it was so small.

Every year, countless Wizards would come here to worship the goddess of magic.

If it wasn't for her personally building and controlling the magic net, the Wizards of the Old World wouldn't have been able to cast spells so safely.