Ron warlocks are fearless _1

"The most handsome man in the ancient times?"

"It sounds like a tiger!"

Xu Nan frowned, knowing that things weren't so simple.

If what Horford said was true, then the person who prevented him from obtaining the Super charm was the Lich Sanger in the ice saw Valley!

If that was the case, things would be difficult to handle.

Xu Nan couldn't possibly go and confront that legendary Lich, right?

He didn't even dare to have the support of three legends ... They would need at least thirty legends or three divine level experts.

The trip to stefnsan had made him realize that the legendary-realm was not the peak of the power of mortals.

Perhaps it was in the beginning, but as the gods of puluo world continued to Annex worlds, the power system of the entire multiverse also changed accordingly, and the upper limit of the power of the prime material plane continued to increase.