Wales Castle (1)

The Guardian of the Earth's core, birose, had many titles.

As The Guardian of the drows and Spider-faced people, she was called [ Broodmother birose ].

As a sister of the goddess of love and girls, she was known as the [ fallen lustful woman ].

Like goddesses, she was also the daughter of the goddess of love.

Of course, although the two of them were half-sisters, they had inherited some of their mother's characteristics in certain aspects. For example, his private life.

It was similar to the reputation of the goddess of love and girls in the astral sea.

For various reasons, the spider mother Brigitte lived in the underground God Kingdom for a long time, and in terms of rearing male companions and being extremely lascivious, she was not inferior.

But in addition, she also had a rather sacred title-

The earth core Guardian.

Xu Nan didn't know what this title meant. Lost Paradise's internal database had very little records in this aspect.