The seal of the wrong path (2)

These people had already given up everything for the God they believed in, including their souls.

Hence, if Xu Nan wanted to use his charm to bewitch them, making them give up on the beliefs in their hearts and come over to suck up to him, the difficulty was actually very high.

Unless Xu Nan really broke through to the level of super godly charm, only then would he have a chance to directly use his handsomeness points to knock Luo Lin 'na unconscious, causing her to defect.

However, the chances of that happening were also very low, because his level was too low!

In front of a legendary master, his charm was only a scratch.

"Forget it, let's find a way to meet up with me first."

Xu Nan calmed down and started to randomly walk around the Crystal Palace.

He passed through the corridor that was filled with huge oil paintings and came to a garden full of roses.