Specialty-sensitive physique _1

Elements of shame?

How could he miss such a thing?

Xu Nan immediately chose to collect it.

However, the next second, the system immediately notified him that there was an error in the collection. Currently, he was unable to collect shame elements.

This caused Xu Nan to feel a little puzzled. However, very quickly, he discovered where the problem was!

"Is it on the other side of the portal?"

"Is it those multi-eyed Wanderers?"

It didn't take long for him to figure out most of the links.

Other than the few Wanderers who were smashed to death by Xu Nan's Army of Wanderers, the majority of the multi-eyed Wanderers died from [ shame and anger ]!

Before they died, they would definitely produce a large amount of shame elements.

The so-called guilt was just a strong feedback produced by the mechanism of shame!