Flaw (1)

'Zhang yingluo' was silent for a long time before she let out a low sigh.

"I've still been discovered ..."

She slowly raised her head and focused her eyes on Sanger, ignoring the others.

In fact, as a true God whose strength had recently soared, even if there were many legends gathered here, the only one who could catch her attention was the godly Lich who had been in charge of ice saw Valley for many years.

There was a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"How did you find me?"

"Was it a test just now?"

"Yes ..."

Without waiting for Sanger to answer, she asked, "

the ferryman's question just now is whether there is anyone on this ship that we love or have loved before.

the wielder of the authority of entropy answered yes, but he was banished. So the person he loves just so happens to be the Templar of the God of truth that I'm trying to imitate? "

"I'm really not willing to lose to such a coincidence."