239 you big-faced guy with thick eyebrows!

Shen Yiyun ultimately refused the five-kilometer run.

After dozens, if not hundreds, of attempts at weight loss, Shen Yiyun had already gained a clear understanding of herself.

Take the last time, for example, full of ambition she spent over $2000 on running apparel and shoes, wore them once, and now they're still hanging on the balcony.

Since then, she's been agonizing over whether to sell them on Idle Fish to this day.

In the meantime, to reward herself, she secretly went out to eat three meals at Xiabu Xiabu.

As of today, she has fully realized that trying to lose weight is a loss in financial, energetic, and emotional terms.

Having reconciled with her figure in this way, Shen Yiyun became more confident as a person.

She walked down the street with Li Zheng, confidently adjusted her glasses, and talked animatedly.

"In other words, having a bit of a fuller physique like mine is actually a genetic advantage."