Gave You a Chance, But You Are Useless

"Long Live Jack the Ripper!"

A feverish cry came from the other side of the street.

Several guys dressed like gangsters walked over while shouting and making several provocative gestures towards the crowd from time to time.

Many people looked at them angrily, yet the gangsters looked proud of it.

Those fools, of course, had nothing to do with Jack the Ripper.

They were members of the Ripper Gang, of the lowest level.

Yes, it was the Ripper Gang from which Tang Luo had begged for alms.

At that time, because Jack the Ripper had created too much of a disturbance, a sense of danger pervaded the whole city, and Cotland Yard was highly alert.

The original Crow Gang jumped on the bandwagon and renamed themselves Ripper Gang for a while, then immediately changed back to its original name.

And there was also a reason that the Crow Gang started going around proudly again under the name of Ripper Gang now.

It happened last night. The location was the manor where Earl Thorndike had gathered the vast majority of the powerful people in the small city.

Chu Chongtian looked towards Tang Luo, who was not far away and asked carefully, "Well, Master Xuanzang, about last night…"

"It has nothing to do with me," said Tang Luo. "I'm a monk, how could I kill innocents?"

This morning, or rather the latter half of last night, Thorndike's manor had turned into a dead place, literally.

Everyone who had attended the banquet the previous night, including the bodyguard that was in charge of the manor's security, and the carriages' drivers, who had stayed waiting for their masters, had all died!

Not a single person was spared!

Earl Thorndike and several other big figures had gone missing, along with the bodyguards.

It would take a little time for the underground chamber to be discovered.

In less than half a day, the news swept the city like fire on dry grassland.

Cotland Yard's Inspector General was also in the manor last night, along with one of the two Deputy Inspector Generals.

The other Deputy Inspector General had to take charge of the investigation and go out with all the remaining Cotland Yard members.

When seeing the gruesome scene, they vomited the sh*t out of themselves in the manor.

Unlike the random nobodies who had died in the past two to three months, hundreds had died in a single night, including big, important figures.

The public order of the already panic-stricken city was on the verge of collapsing. A mere example of the grave situation was the gangsters'"Long Live the Ripper" chants.

When they heard the news, Chu Chongtian and the others were all stunned, almost suspecting it was Tang Luo's doing.

"No, I'm not suspecting Master, of course," Chu Chongtian hurried to shake his head. "I was just thinking, how did Jack the Ripper do it?"

According to the news, with a few exceptions, all of those people's bodies had been ripped open, meaning that the manor case's murderer was Jack the Ripper, the serial killer that had been troubling the city for a long time.

Oh, right now, Jack the Ripper was more than just a murderer—a manic would be more accurate.

"How can he be so powerful?" muttered Zhou Zhenguo.

His eyes were a little unfocused. He was somewhat heading towards the state of Li Liang, the salty fish.

Even if Jack the Ripper had a possession-type ability, and an icy aura that numbed and restained one's movement, he shouldn't be able to massacre the whole manor.

If he really could do this, why had he been killing in secret from the start? Why had he not killed Li Liang on the first night? At the same time, why had he been tackling them one by one in the following nights? Why had he not appeared in front of them directly?

At that time, Tang Luo had also not been around Li Liang and the others. If Jack the Ripper had been so strong from the beginning, what made him choose to suddenly unleash his powers the previous night?

And why did he hide it before?

"Then, could it be that Jack the Ripper really is an organization?" speculated Li Liang. "In the past, it was a single person, now it's many, and they killed together?"

"Or…" Chu Chongtian looked like he had thought of something, and said, "He's been fishing the whole time."



Chu Chongtian gave Tang Luo a look before saying, "Now that I think about it was the Hodge that Master and I met on the first night when we were searching for clues really Hodge? He was only blasted by Master after dodging the cane he threw out.

"Maybe Jack the Ripper possessed Hodge. Similarly, Jack the Ripper may have been possessing other members of the organization too.

"Master has been fishing the whole time, waiting for Jack the Ripper to come to our door.

"Could Jack the Ripper also be fishing… No, rather, he was waiting for the fish to gather together so that he could bombard and catch them in one fell swoop!"

Chu Chongtian took a sip of water and licked his chapped lips, Then he said in a bitter voice, "Maybe, from the beginning, Jack the Ripper has only been playing, using us against the organization.

"If there was 'someone' in this city who could stop Jack the Ripper, it must be the organization. Though the organization is no 'good guy' either."

After this analysis, Chu Chongtian couldn't find it in him to feel happy at all. There was no longer the joy like he had solved a puzzle that he had in the past.

"We were helping Jack the Ripper get rid of his obstacles. Now, he has nothing to worry about."

After listening to Chu Zhongtian's analysis, Li Liang secretly glanced at Tang Luo, for fear that this Master Xuanzang would be angry.

They had done so many things, only to be helping their enemy?

Also, it was pointed out by a comrade. Anyone would be angry!

Fortunately, Tang Luo was still calm and expressionless. There was even a sense of relaxation.

Chu Chongtian suddenly realized that what he just said sounded like blaming Tang Luo, and he hurried to salvage it. "Master, I wasn't blam— no, I wasn't compla— f*ck!"

"Hahaha." Tang Luo started laughing. "It's okay. Benefactor Chu's analysis was quite reasonable.

"If the organization is a beast in the shadow for the city, Jack the Ripper is the viper in the shadow. And no matter which of them is stronger, they are sure to be fearful of or restrained by each other.

"It's also very possible that we, as outsiders, a third-party power, broke the balance and allowed one side to suddenly 'inflate'."

Chu Chongtian felt relieved as Tang Luo was not angry.

Then his eyes brightened, and he asked, "Master, say, the revolver that you got, can it be the key to dealing with Jack the Ripper?"

Those very powerful BOSSes would usually have a fatal weakness. It would be very difficult to overcome them by sheer force, but once one grasped their weakness, the situation would be different.

Only a storm could knock down big trees!

Jack the Ripper had hidden his true identity up till now.

What was the Ripper's weakness,

What was the weakness of the Ripper, who had a possession-type ability and an icy aura that numbed its victim?

His real identity must be his weakness!

Otherwise, their mission wouldn't be "Find Jack the Ripper".

Then, what were they to do when they hadn't found out his true identity?

Chu Chongtian thought about it hard, and could only think of Ill Omens, the revolver. 'The effect of Vital Energy Bullets might be able to hurt the Ripper from a distance?

'What about Final Storm… Well, this skill seems a bit hard to draw the connection to Jack the Ripper.'


Tang Luo still had the attitude of "whatever you say, I think it makes sense, but I will neither affirm nor deny it". In other words, he would just let it be.

Sometimes, his attitude gave Chu Chongtian a feeling of discomfort, like waving fists in the air. What else could Chu Chongtian do when facing such a laid-back Master?

He could only smile now.

"It may be a good thing." Zhou Zhenguo finished smoking his cigarette in one breath and pressed the cigarette butt directly on his palm. Surprisingly, that lifted his spirits. It seemed that he had adjusted his mental state and recovered.

"In the past, Jack the Ripper hid very deeply and showed no weakness, and thus we could only passively wait.

"Now, the situation is different. We're at a disadvantage, but we still have a chance for a comeback from the place of despair!"

"Exactly!" Chu Chongtian said, "We still have Master Xuanzang, don't forget this. The Ripper has never dared facing Master in a direct confrontation. Actually, we're not at a disadvantage, but at a significant advantage!"

"We went right up to him and got badly beaten," Li Liang murmured softly.

Chu Chongtian stared at him, and he immediately smiled meekly.

"We should be more prepared," replied Tang Luo.

After two hours, the three sighed, looking at Ill Omens before them.

Master Xuanzang had very generously taken out Ill Omens and told them that they could use it against Jack the Ripper.

Of course, Tang Luo wasn't in the least bit fearful of Jack the Ripper, but he wouldn't reject an extra addition to his power.

In his hands, Ill Omens didn't improve his combat abilities greatly. After all, his foundational abilities were already good.

But it was a different case for the others, as their combat prowess would improve significantly.

The only drawback was Ill Omen's recoil. The revolvers Zhou Zhenguo and the others had been using over the past few days were powerless before it.

Chu Chongtian, who was already prepared, almost broke his fingers when the revolver escaped his grasp after firing one shot.

It didn't escape Zhou Zhenguo's grasp, though, and he fired a few shots. But they were so far from the target, that he wouldn't even be able to hit a cow ten meters away.

As for Li Liang… a salted fish had no need for such things.

They all tried the Vital Energy Blood Bullets, and after firing one shot, they would feel exhausted.

Chu Chongtian and Zhou Zhenguo could fire six Vital Energy Blood Bullets—that was their limit.

After the six shots, the feeling of exhaustion was comparable to having just run one kilometer, only slightly better than Zhou Zhenguo's state of weakness.

When Zhou Zhenguo tried to fire one more shot, he immediately felt like collapsing and suffocating. He couldn't even hold Ill Omens still.

If they were to use it, the number of Vital Energy Blood Bullets would match Ill Omens' six-shot limit, meaning that after filling it with bullets, they could shot twelve times in a row.

The damage the Vital Energy Blood Bullets could deal was the same as normal bullets. There was nothing special about it, besides that the bullet would disappear on its own after hitting the target and cause the damage.

At most, it would leave some dark red bloodstains.

Actually, the bullet storm's recoil was nonexistent, and it didn't cause any exhaustion. However, due to its ten-hour cooldown time, they didn't try it.

A magical weapon was right in front of them, but they couldn't use it.

Zhou Zhenguo wanted very much to say to himself, "You were given a chance, but you're useless!"