Course Complete

 "Third phase simulation completed. Score, 92 points, excellent. Course Completed."

Lu Ze opened his eyes in bewilderment. Flipping around, he sat on the bed. As he put on his shoes, he subconsciously poked at his waist and immediately went into a daze.

"Eh? My waist doesn't hurt? This is...I'm awake. Is the course over?"

After thinking for a moment, he finally recalled that he'd finished the course. He rolled around for a moment and jumped off the kang, wantonly stretching his muscles and bones. That youthful vigor again returned to the body. This feeling was simply too beautiful! 'Ah, the flavour of fantastic!'

The third phase simulation took a total of one year, one month, and twelve days. During this period of more than a year, how was his life in old age? Actually, Lu Ze felt that it was pretty good.

During the one month of the second simulation, Lu Ze felt quite discomforted by that kind of life and felt a peculiar loneliness. Later, he remained cooed up in his home, reading novels. In the end, he failed the system's assessment and was punished with twenty whips.

In the third phase, which was for a whole year, Lu Ze finally found his own being in the elderly life. Like his other old fellows, he fought tooth and nails to get every bit of discount in the market.

In the park, he played chess and became the old hegemon of chess.

In the community exercise unit for the elderly, he became unrivalled in ping pong. He even learned piano on his own. Each day, he returned from the shooting gallery along with his fellow old soldiers under the red sky at dusk.

In the evening, he giddily went to the plaza dance, becoming the plaza dance champion of their little neighbourhood. He turned into the big boss of the neighborhood's old fellows.

Right! Most importantly, he was about to get a spouse—sixty-two-year-old aunt Cai. The two had even met with each other's children and were just about to begin their elderly romance, but the course ended…

"F*ck, my wife is no more…"

Recalling aunt Cai, Lu Zu suddenly felt depressed. Sitting at the edge of the Kang, his eyes turned dejected. However, in the next moment, he shivered and immediately slapped himself.

"No! F*ck, I'm just twenty four! How can I like a grandma? This is bad! This course has brainwashed me. Pull yourself together, Lu Ze! You should like a cute, eighteen-year-old little sister!"

After finally remembering his actual age, Lu Ze deeply realized the benefits of this course.

Standing up from the Kang, he arrived before the mirror nailed on the wall. Lu Ze's figure suddenly shortened, appearing somewhat hunchbacked. At the same time, he softly poked his back waist with his right hand and watched himself in the mirror. His eyes were somewhat dull and bleak. Although his skin was without wrinkles- not appearing old in any manner- the first impression he gave off was precisely that of a senile old man.

Raising his left hand, he lightly coughed twice and said, "Cough, cough, little Qin, can you come home tonight? Dad misses you."

His voice was coarse, no different from an ordinary old man. In other words, he'd already mastered how an old man appeared on the whole!

Regaining his youth, Lu Ze rapidly rubbed his face with both hands, unable to contain his excitement. That whip was indeed not for nothing! However, recalling one problem, his elation suddenly paused. Right...he forgot about time.

Jumping on the Kang, he fished out his phone and looked at the time, finally letting out a sigh of relief. At first glance, the year hadn't changed, the month also hadn't changed, and as for days...only a night passed!

"I'm rich! I'm rich! Alright! This is Incredible!!"

Lu Ze rolled on the bed in excitement for a moment. Thinking of the numerous courses he had yet to study, he couldn't help but feel an itch to just go to sleep and begin another session. However, seeing the resting time completely full on the interface, Lu Ze understood that he could not just keep on studying, or he would turn into a human vegetable.

Then what to do now? Of course, go to work and earn some money! After all, a man had to eat, right?

Rinsing his mouth and washing his face, Lu Ze put on his fake Adidas shoes and grabbed his thirty yuan shoulder bag, which contained his keys, about hundred yuan of cash, cigarettes, cell phone, and portable cell phone charger. He admired his looks for a moment in the mirror. His one hundred and eighty six centimeters tall and seventy kilogram figure and appearance could not be considered exquisite, but he was still a pretty handsome and vibrant guy. Moving his hands through his round-cut hair, he exclaimed, "Perfect!"

"Oh Lu Ze, you're simply the most handsome devil in the world!"

Having finished admiring his looks, he left the apartment and locked the door, glancing at the eastern door. It was not locked, but the glass door was covered by pasted newspapers, covering the visibility. Lu Ze had no intention of disturbing Yang Dan, so he turned around and walked out of the entrance.

"Elder brother Zhang, you are returning now? Yesterday's shoot went all night?"

"Yeah, I'm dead tired. F*ck that male lead's stiff face. It's probably because of plastic surgery. He couldn't even laugh or cry, his face was stiff the whole time. The shooting was barely over through the entire night."

"Then you have rest, I will begin my work."

Lu Ze was not too curious about who the actor was. Even if he asked brother Zhang, he would not speak. After all, they were extras. And the guy was a celebrity; it would be only too easy for him to crush them.

One could roast them behind their backs but couldn't bring up any names. If the other guy was really curious, he could go ask around other places, and he would find out. Of course,it would have no connection with the former. In any case, he hadn't said any names

Lu Ze walked out of the bungalow. They lived in the suburbs besides Hengdian, and the quality of morning air here was quite good. Sucking in a breath of fresh morning air, he stretched his waist and couldn't help himself from singing loudly,

"The morning is here, I am f*cking tired…"

After walking for about twelve minutes, he arrived at the film city's entrance. Buying three steamed buns and a bottle of soy milk. Then carrying the cardboard case, he found a conspicuous green belt and sat down. He took out his phone and played some games. Then he ate steamed buns and drank soy milk, waiting for the supervisor's call for work.

"Forty people! Dead body part! Men! Hurry up!"

As soon as he heard the yell, Lu Ze jumped to his feet and rushed forth. This time, he was truly fast, directly charging to the very front.

"You... you... you…That tall guy, you too, and you. Fatties, get off to the side! War dramas don't have fatties like you. The f*ck you'd do crowding in with that hundred and fifty kilo body!"

Lu Ze once again became the selected child. However, he didn't have the excitement from yesterday this time as he leisurely followed supervisor Liu Le to the shooting site.

The 'Dead body' part was quite simple: to play a corpse. These kinds of roles were too numerous. Therefore, there was even a joke that the Eight Route Army's soldiers dying on any day in Heng Dian could circle around the globe. However, it was hot. Putting on such a thick jacket was quite a torture. Moreover, one could imagine how good such a costume would smell in the summer.

It stank like a grandma's armpits. One shouldn't think that he was talking drivel without having smelled it, as he'd really smelled it. Moreover, the make-up artist would not care about him—a dead extra. Just squeezing some blood out of the blood pack and spraying it on his face, followed by picking up some dust from the ground and smearing it on his sweat-covered was good enough.

 Lu Ze laid sideways on the ground and played dead; his closed eyes completely still. Soon, he heard, "Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud! Clank! Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud! Pat pat Pat! Clank!"

A roar followed, "Brothers, to avenge our dead brothers…forward!"

A bugle call sounded, "Clank! Pat Pat Pat! Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud! Clank! Pat Pat Pat! Ta Ta Ta Ta!

Lu Ze felt numerous people running beside his body. With his eyes closed, he couldn't tell which idiot was running without looking down, kicking him in his abdomen and almost causing him to spit out. If not for his eyes being closed, they would have popped out.

Moreover, this idiot didn't do it on purpose. He was really not looking down. How could he be sure? Because this idiot's body was pressing onto him, having tripped!

