College Student Simulation Course(final)

The two spent a day in the capital and returned back to the capital. Back in home, she took the lead like never before: In the bedroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the drawing room, and even the balcony became their battlefield.

This was her happiest day, but at the same time, she was extremely apologetic toward Lu Ze. She felt that she had let him down, making him give up so much. On the other hand, he only comforted her without a trace of regret. A beautiful ending of one's dreams would not fall in one's lap; one had to find and catch it. One would lose many things in the process, but these losses were worth nothing when compared to that beautiful ending.

The two applied for different universities within the same city and country. She would continue her finance studies and Lu Ze would continue his architecture and interior designing.

As such, both of them began to strive together. Lu Ze helped her with English to the best of his abilities. Every day was tiring, so tiring that he gave up on his work and completely threw himself into studying.

In May, she took TOEFL. Coming out of the examination hall, she looked quite pleased: Her test should have gone pretty well. The two had a grand meal. And at this point, Lu Ze revealed his plan to study abroad to his roommates.

His roommates were astonished, because the current him had no need to study abroad. He could already make a great living, easily doing the work he was already familiar with. There was no need for him to decline this job opportunity and go study in an unfamiliar place. To them, college was already enough studying.

However, Lu Ze had no regrets. After all, he was indeed a person who liked studying. He felt that he still had a huge room for improvement. There was no harm in studying more, and then come back and make money. More importantly, being able to go together with her was meaningful. This was what made him the most delightful.

His brothers were somewhat unwilling to see him part. Having spent so much time together, such a feeling was inevitable. As a result, everybody's spirits dropped.

"Come, I'm taking you all out. Don't make these funeral-like faces ! I'll only be gone for a few years and should be able to come back before your marriages. You don't have to worry."

Lu Ze tried to comfort the three in a manly way, so they also threw the matter at the back of their heads and began laughing. They merrily called their parents and prepared to slaughter Lu Ze's wallet.

"Old Fourth, what are you planning?" On the wine table, everybody clinked their cups. Lu Ze took a sip of white wine and asked old fourth. He was currently not too clear on what his roommates had decided to do next.

"There is no choice. I'm planning to go back to the family with my girl. My father has found some work for me. There is no problem from my girl's side either. After waiting for some time, once things settle down, we'll decide our marriage ."

Old fourth held his girlfriend's hand and spoke without much care. This was what Lu Ze envied, and so did the other two. None of the other three had a free and unrestrained spirit like Old Fourth.

Old Third was already preparing for an exam. He wished to continue his studies, but not in this college. He wanted to study in Zhejiang, and he seemed to have already cleared the interview.

Hearing this good news, everybody toasted him.

"Old Second, what about you? What are you planning to do after college?"

Old Second's tolerance was not high, and he was already somewhat drunk. Staring at the tubelight on the ceiling with his red face, he inhaled from the cigarette butt in his hand and then extinguished it with his foot while letting out a mouthful of smoke.

"I'm...going back home. I can't take living like this. Take designing for example- making designs all day sitting in office, I can't do that. If I have to work on the site, I'll lose spirit in a day. And I will even have to run in all parts of the country. I can't take so much suffering. Moreover, my girl can't follow after me, and I can't follow her. Therefore, I am going back home and helping with my father's business. I can live a pretty easy life, no?"

Everybody faintly nodded in approval. Nobody looked down on his decision to inherit his family business. This was something they couldn't do even if they wanted to. Perhaps when they would meet again in a few years, they would still be normal workers, while the old second would have turned into a big businessman. This was certainly not impossible.

"But...I really am worthless. I know that I've the option of inheriting my father's business, but I'm somewhat unwilling to. A part of me wants to go out there and try my best. You tell me, I..Hehe…F*ck...going out there seems really tiring, and going back home seems boring. I really am…"

Being too drunk, his girlfriend pulled his hand, making him drop the subject. He lowered his head and laughed self-mockingly, and then he downed the remaining half of his glass and continued,

"To tell you the truth, I admire you, old first, I really do! But, I also feel a little bad for you. Tell me, how can there be such a big difference in people? Why do you have to take such suffering and grievances? I still remember the beginning of first year, how embarrassed you were to go out and eat outside with us. You wouldn't go even if we dragged you. But then, you would gnaw on that steamed bun…it was unbearable to watch. F*ck, it sounds like I'm secretly in love with you. Haha, in any case, I feel that you have sacrificed too much in this short life. I feel bad for you! Make me another one! This one's for Old First, cheers!!"

Old Second's words contained hidden meanings and taunts. Apart from Kong Lingzhu herself, who didn't understand a thing due to her simple-mindedness, everybody else understood what Old Second was getting at.

Even Old Second's girlfriend didn't stop him as these words flew out of his mouth.

Lu Ze maintained a good relationship with everybody. Even the parents of his roommates treated him as a friend. Therefore, they felt bad for him. Although they didn't know how he lived before entering the college, they knew that he'd sacrificed too much for her in these three years.

And her? It seemed like she didn't sacrifice anything at all. Eating, sleeping, and playing all day, she seemed like a moron being pampered by him. However, she could still allow Lu Ze to sacrifice his time, money, and his own future for her.

To them, their love didn't seem fair at all. Even if she loved him, she seemed to have no idea how tired he had been when he pursued her, and how physically and mentally exhausted he was later to maintain this relationship. She didn't understand Old Second's words, but Lu Ze did. So, he hugged her shoulder and smiled.

"What feeling bad for me? Whatever I've now is the return from back then. Every step in a person's life is a critical step, and I feel myself walking steadily. I am happy enough as long as I don't tumble down . Enough of this. Come, cheers!"

On that night, they drank a lot...a lot. This seemed like an experience that most college kids went through before leaving the college. Even Lu Ze drank a lot that night. He only had vague memories of Old Second and the other two choking with sobs.

Until one day, Lu Ze felt the sky collapsing.

She couldn't clear her SAT. In other words, she couldn't enter the university she had applied for.

Lu Ze didn't blame her, because he knew that she had tried her best, but he didn't comfort her either. She cried alone in the room while he sat on the sofa, smoking one cigarette after another. She shut herself off in the room for the whole day. Only when he called her out for dinner did she walk out. Her eyes were swollen, looking really bad.

During dinner, there was complete silence. She seemed like a corpse: expressionless and even unaware of what she was eating. 

"How about I also hold out this year? It's just a year. I can also earn some money in the meantime." Lu Ze asked in a low and careful voice, afraid of upsetting her.

"No! You've already cleared the exam. You can't not go! I've already made you sacrifice too much! I feel I've let you down at every moment, making you…"

At this moment, Lu Ze realized that she fully understood Old Second's words and was only feigning to be foolish to avoid being in that awkward spot. She was, in fact, a clever girl. At least, she was not lacking EQ at all.

Back home, her parents asked about the test results. Hearing that Lu Ze had passed, they relaxed somewhat. At this point, they approved of him. However, when they heard that she had not passed, blackness appeared before them. Their eyes were open, but they could not see. In the end, they could only sigh and wish them luck.

A few days later, her parents again called, making arrangements to send her to a local university, but in a different city. However, she refused, because this was Lu Ze's plan. Even though it had shattered many times, doing as her parents suggested at this point was impossible.

Therefore, she would study for one more year.

At the same time, she began preparing Lu Ze's luggage as if they were already married. When a husband travelled afar, the wife would make sure that he had everything he needed. She wouldn't even forget socks.

The next day, Lu Ze loaded his luggage in the car and hopped in with her.

"I can really wait for another year."

"No need! You only need to wait for me, alright?"

Lu Ze accepted her arrangements without any further words. Arriving at the airport, he collected his boarding pass, checked in his luggage, and then bid her farewell at the entrance.

They hugged and kissed for a moment.

"I should be going?"

"Lu Ze…You've to wait for me, alright? I'll make it for sure. I'm sorry, really sorry!"

She kept apologizing and wept like no tomorrow as she saw Lu Ze enter the waiting room. Unfortunately, he didn't see her, or he would have certainly not continued.

The plane took off, and he saw her repeatedly waving her hands. He wished to wave back at her, but the airplane's window couldn't be opened, nor would anybody have let him open it.

On the plane, he closed his eyes but the tears didn't stop falling. The white foreigner girl next to him watched with a baffled face. At this point, he felt as if he'd discovered the third layer of meaning behind Old Second's words.

Perhaps...losing to life was the name of youth.