Lu Nan Enters University(1)

"What are you running for? Can't we have peace for a moment?"

Lu Ze sized up his little sister. Her white shirt and jeans did not exceed two hundred yuan in value. The most expensive thing on her was the sneakers he had bought for her last year.

"How could I not miss you? I haven't seen you for half a year. I've missed you!" Lu Nan revealed a silly smile before turning around and glancing at the father and daughter who came along. Beckoning them, she yelled, "Ting Ting, I've found my brother! Hurry up!"

The girl with her was not that tall, and her appearance could never be considered to be that of a first-rate beauty. Perhaps, she was also coming to the capital for the first time, and the nervousness was apparent on her face. Walking alongside her father, she slowly headed toward Lu Ze.

"Thank you, uncle, for bringing Lu Nan with you. You haven't eaten yet, right? Come, we'll drink a bit first. This little girl in my family is too naughty. She must've been a headache throughout the journey."

This girl's father seemed like an honest and good-natured man with somewhat dark skin. He revealed a simple smile and repeatedly waved his hand.

"There's no need! My daughter is saying that their college bus will stop right here. We've got to leave soon, so there's no reason to eat now. Besides, going to college after drinking is no good either."

"Sounds good! I owe you this drink. However, going by the difference in our generation, you probably won't drink that much. How about I call my father, and you can take it as him owing you this drink! Once you're back home, I'll have him accompany you for drinks."

The uncle was quite candid and agreed with a smile. "Alright, that's a deal. I'll drink with your father after returning home. We'll leave first, then."

"Okay. Hold your bags tightly, uncle! Don't lose anything! There are so many people, and I can't see you and Ting Ting off. Thank you very much, uncle!"

After they left, Lu Nan turned mischievous once more after having been reprimanded for a short while. With her two hands on the straps of her bag, she tilted her body and asked, "Big brother, tell me, do I look good like this?"

Lu Nan's appearance was top-notch. One could tell at a glance that she was a descendant of the Lu Family. Moreover, her tall stature, oval face, high nose bridge, big eyes, two-fold eyelids, and ponytail made her look as bright as the sun. However, these words could never come out of Lu Ze's words.

"Good? My foot looks better! Don't act so crazy in college. What are you, a damsel? Come, what do you want to eat?"

Lu Ze took her trunk and loaded her school bag on his shoulders. He was just about to step out before he was pulled back by Lu Nan. "Brother, I've arrived at the capital. Can't I even take a photo? I'll stand right here. You take one and send it to dad."

Helpless, Lu Ze took out his cellphone and pointed it at Lu Nan, just to see her making a peace sign with her hands, poking at her cheeks with the background of the capital's station. The pose she chose was indeed pretty good. After taking the photo, Lu Ze was about to set off, but Lu Nan approached his arm and snatched the phone, giddily inspecting her photo.

"When will your bus come?"

"There's one coming at two. No hurry! I want to roam around and see the capital a bit. It's my first time at the capital! It's much better than Lu Hua!"

"Alright, alright, less nonsense! We'll just eat here."

He was about to enter McDonald's, but Lu Nan again pulled him back. She nervously glanced inside and asked timidly, "Mcdonalds?"

"Nonsense! Don't act like you haven't even seen a Mcdonald's before?"

"No… It's too expensive! We can eat anywhere. Here, it'll cost us hundreds of yuan just for the two of us, won't it?"

Lu Ze saw Lu Nan bending over and acting like a thief. Helpless again, he dragged her in and found a seat for her while he went to get food. Buying a meal, Lu Ze casually placed the tray on the table. He had already eaten the pancake, so the meal was entirely for Lu Nan to eat.

"Brother, aren't you eating?"

"I've waited a long time at the station. Must I wait for you to eat? Just eat."

Speaking with an angry mood, Lu Ze again glanced at Lu Nan's school bag. It was still the same one she used from high school. The one he ha gifted her after returning home the first time as an extra. It wasn't dirty, but it had many scratches and faded spots.

Lu Ze also bought her trunk. After all, she was in a boarding school during high school as well. It also had many evident scratches, and a 'hello kitty' sticker could be seen on the pink trunk, making it look quite girly.

"Where's your cellphone? Hand it over."

Lu Nan, who was drinking her cola, rolled her eyes. She took out her cellphone and put it on the table as she helplessly asked, "Why do you have to go through my phone? I'm already eighteen, but you still haven't stopped going through my phone, telling me I can't date!"

"Who told you to date? If you want a boyfriend, there's no need to continue with college. We'll return right now, and I'll f*cking hang you on the house ledge!"

"Oh, please! The hell are you talking about. I'm already eighteen, and I've got the right to love freely! It was still fine when you checked if I'm dating in high school, not that I was anyway. But, now that I'm a high school graduate, why can't I think of dating? Everybody says that college is incomplete without romance. Can't I desire a bit of puppy love?"

Lu Ze again seized the upper hand as the big brother. If not for the people around him, he would have indeed slammed the table. Even now, his pupils had completely dilated, making it seem as if he wanted to eat her whole.

"No, Lu Nan! I'm asking you, are you here to study or find a boyfriend? If you're here to find a boyfriend, why go to college? You could have picked Li Goudan, Zhao Tiezhu, Wang Dali, or somebody else from the village and ended the matter right there. Did you come to the capital to find a boyfriend? Why? Is Lu Hua beneath you now?"

"Who would care about them? Each one of them is a hippy. They think they're handsome with their multi-colored hair while roaming in electric cars all day, blasting music, but sweat bullets in nervousness at the mere gesture of me flicking my hair."

Lu Ze knew that he was in the wrong but would rather die than to apologize. "Fine! Fine, fine, you're right, you're right! This for you."

He took out the cellphone case and placed it on the table, acting all nonchalant. However, in reality, his insides were aching. This girl's college was costing him a lot of money.

"Big brother…"


"Where did you buy it, return it. The cell phone I'm using is pretty good. Why… why did you buy this one? It's ridiculously expensive."

Lu Nan bit her lips with red eyes. She was not a young mistress with princess syndrome but a child of an ordinary peasant family. Lu Nan knew how hard it was to earn money. She also knew that for the sake of letting her continue her studies, her brother said that he didn't want to study more despite having good grades. She had yet to earn a single penny even until this moment, so she felt like she owed this family and brother of hers too much.

She still remembered the incident when she had called her brother and was suddenly greeted with a barrage of curses, "Extra, where the hell did you run off to? Are you here to waste time? If you can't work, get lost from here!"

Thereupon, she heard Lu Ze replying in a humble tone that she had never heard before, "Coming, coming! So sorry, director! It was a call from family, and I picked it up, thinking something had happened. Forgive me, director, and I won't pick up next time."

She could easily imagine his apologizing figure with a fawning smile on his face while bending over. From that day, she knew that her brother was doing harsh labor while selling his dignity to earn money.

Her hands burned while spending money, and this money felt like a hot blade. She thought ten times before spending a single penny, and now her brother was giving him such an expensive thing! No matter how big her heart was, how could she accept it with a clear conscience?

"Give it back. I've got no need for such an expensive cell phone. I don't even play games on the phone that regularly!"

"So, what? I've got to buy you a computer?"

Lu Nan suddenly felt her blood pressure soaring as she felt like smacking Lu Ze with a rod. This b*stard truly enjoyed infuriating her to death.

Lu Ze gently chuckled. Removing the cover over the glass, he sipped the cola and crossed his legs as he said, "Just take it. Consider it your reward for getting such good grades, and also consider it as an apology for going through your phone. Take it, your brother has money and can afford to buy a few toys."