Lacking Artists?

Fourteenth November, World Diabetes Day.

In recent days, Lu Ze was quite busy with the shoot. Currently, the battle of Southern Heavenly Gates was being shot, and Zhang Lixian had 'died'. After this, only a few scenes were left to be shot at Hengdian. He guessed they would be done shooting here in a day or two.

His role would again appear after the crew reached Tengchong, but that would happen in early 2017.

Today, Lu Ze signed out quite early. Although the sun had set and the sky was already darkening, it was merely a bit over six o'clock.

He sent a bit of money home. Looking at his hands, he gave up on the thought of making dinner back home.

Recently, he got injured again, suffering a cut between his thumb and forefinger. However, this time, it was not the props team's fault. During the shooting of the suicide defense of Gushu fort, Lu Ze was scratched by the iron wire laid down by the crew.

The cut was long, but not deep. It was a horizontal cut and had rendered his palm bloody. However, after the doctor bandaged his wound, it wasn't too big of a bother but he couldn't get it wet for a few days.

"Boss, I'll have stir-fried pork, fried vegetable mix, and two beers."

This was a small restaurant that Lu Ze frequented. In reality, he didn't have nearly enough money to go to extravagant big restaurants. Thus, he could only choose a small restaurant that suited his taste.

At this moment, there were a lot of people eating. Thus, his order would naturally be a bit delayed. He took out a cigarette and called Lu Nan, hearing her account of college life.

For example, she again went to watch some flag-hoisting today. Having climbed a great wall then eating a cheap take-out with her friends, she was in a great mood. These kinds of meaningless topics could indeed be chattered on endlessly.

Although Lu Ze had an impatient face, there was also a faint smile on his face as he ate his dinner, drank beer, and heard the interesting tales of college life from his little sister.

This kind of life let him feel that his exhaustion was worth it. In the future, his mother and father wouldn't have to till the land, his little sister would be able to marry the child of a small but well-off family and live a good life, while he would also be able to marry a not-so-beautiful but virtuous lady and have a kid. This kind of life was indeed quite perfect.

It could be said that after dropping out of his studies at the age of sixteen, Lu Ze had never lived for himself. All his efforts were to lead his family to good days. Although this goal was still lacking a bit currently, it wouldn't be for long.

After hanging up the WeChat call with his sister, finishing the two beers, and the rice in the bowl, he had the remaining dishes packed and left. The entire meal cost him a total of fifty yuan, which didn't hurt that much according to his current income. Moreover, he had shed so much blood today that having a good meal was necessary.

Having his fill, he felt energetic while walking on the way back. As he crossed a street, he walked by a designer clothes shop. Seeing the beautiful clothes on the body mannequin, he involuntarily stopped.

Thinking for a bit, he went in. The clothes Lu Nan was wearing just now were indeed a bit old-fashioned. Upon buying her one thousand worth clothes and having them packed, he went to an express delivery company near his home. Adding the address of his parents' home, he had it delivered.

Li Yumei's birthday was also soon arriving. As a son and the eldest child, he'd never forgotten such matters. It was just that his expenses this year had been a bit too high.

Upon returning home, he placed the leftovers in the kitchen, took a nice bath, hit the pillow, and watched some movies and dramas he'd downloaded through the restaurant's wifi.

At nine and a half, he prepared to sleep. There was a night scene to be shot tomorrow. After that, he would be temporarily leaving the crew.

"Ring, ring! Ring, ring!."

Gu Mingde was sitting before his computer table, writing the time table of tomorrow's shooting and counting the number of extras needed for tomorrow. His phone rang. Taking a glance at the caller, he picked up.

"Hello? Old Hu."

"What's up, Old Gu?"

"Working, what's going on?"

The male voice on the other side of the line broke into a burst of hearty laughter. "You can't even speak a few words so that I can hear your voice? When you work, you speak as if every word you speak is gold. You're better when you drink, at least you know how to talk."

"I'm in the midst of shooting right now, don't you know? I'm at Hengdian, alright? If you want a drinking partner, you've called the wrong person. If there is something, just say it. Don't waste my time."

"Alright, this is what happened. I'm becoming the CEO of a management company."

Hearing these words, Gu Mingde's brows creased. Old Hu, his childhood friend, was no insider of the circle, but he could be considered a high-level member of the administration. However, this time, his decision simply seemed stupid. Didn't he know about the current situation of the industry? Or...

"Who told you to take this job? Are you that stupid that you would do anything? Haven't you done planning and analytics for the industry? The current management business in the entertainment industry is at peak saturation. Those six companies have already established themselves as unshakeable tyrants. If you became CEO of the management company six years ago, I would have certainly favored you. But you want a piece of the cake now? You're late, too late!"

"This has to do with higher-ups. I've got to step down…"

Gu Mingde suddenly felt as if he was doused with a glass full of cold water. The entertainment industry could naturally not be separated from the business. Thus, the objective of this venture was quite evident. He was also helpless and could only feel that his friend had been wronged.

Gu Mingde fell silent, and on the contrary, Old Hu began comforting him.

"You don't have to worry about me. I've seen many more waves and undercurrents in life than you. I've worked for twenty years in the company. Even after stepping down, I can do fine here. However, I feel that the atmosphere here is too boring, so I want to get out for a bit. Since I'll have full control, I am quite confident. Moreover, it's not like I have no support. At least theater chains, real estate, and malls are all standing at my side. Most importantly, a lot of people are looking forward to seeing me leave. Therefore, if I truly take on a management company project, they will gladly help me to prevent my return."

Gu Mingde lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. He replied in thought, "So?"

"So I'm really assuming the charge of a management company. I don't want to go back, and they don't want to see me return. Thus, even if they are unwilling, they will help me. If not for themselves, then for the face of the company. Therefore, I dare to go all out. I'm no slithering snake but a dragon!"

"Hold on. Whatever you want to do has nothing to do with me. I'm contracted with Orange Entertainment, so forget about poaching me. Your words are meaningless to me unless you want to show off how powerful you've become?"

"No, I'm not poaching you. Only an idiot would poach you. The issue is that I don't have connections in the circle…"

"No?! If you have money, you've connections. Moreover, you still have theater chains, real estate, and shopping malls. Your connections are wide, much bigger than me."

Smoking half of the cigarette, Gu Mingde squashed it and put the phone on speaker before continuing to furiously write in his notebook while not forgetting to mock this childhood friend of his.

"Yes! The higher-level connections are not a problem. The issue is the foundation, don't you see? Tall buildings start from the ground. No matter how big of connections I've, I don't have the manpower. Your Orange Entertainment trains eighteen hundred people, and my company? Only four! And all four of them are singing and dancing types. If not for the fact that they are two males and two females, I even thought about directly putting them together and launching them. I lack artists!"

"Then what kind of artists do you want? President Hu?"

"Actors! Young actors! Those who have bloomed nicely but still have the strength to go much farther. I'm not asking for superstars, but they should at least have acting skills on the higher end."

Fishy...Gu Mingde increasingly felt something fishy. Why was Old Hu's request increasingly matching with that blooming rat in his crew…?

"You know something! You know something, don't you?! You're hiding a gem and you won't tell me? Spit it out, which company? Can I move them with money? Hey, just tell me how much would it cost!"

"There's no need for any money…"

"Eh? What's going on? Do you intend to present me with a human gift at the official launch of my company?"

"That kid is a free actor."
