
"Hello, Mr. Lu, have a seat."

After touring all the facilities, Lu Ze was brought to a separate conference room where Gao Wanzhi was already sitting. Upon seeing Lu Ze, she stood up and shook hands with him.

After Lu Ze sat down, the assistant left and the two began the conversation. Lu Ze sat attentively, waiting to hear the decision the team leaders had made.

"Here it goes. Firstly, we approve of your acting skills. To develop such acting skills at such a young age is quite difficult indeed. We're very optimistic about your future, especially your future in Qianshijia. How do you see Qianshijia? Can you tell me a bit? I—and the company—hope that our beliefs are the same."

Gao Wanzhi's words were not straightforward as they were presented in a roundabout manner. Fortunately, Lu Ze could understand her meaning. Qianshijia really wanted to sign him on!

"I'm extremely optimistic about Qianshijia. Firstly, please accept my gratitude for all the team leaders' affirmation of me. I come from the background of an extra but I don't hope to remain there. I believe Qianshijia can give me the opportunity to rise. Therefore… I accept. I hope that I can stay in this company brimming with vitality and become the fresh new blood of this company."

Gao Wanzhi smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. "Your choice isn't wrong. I can guarantee you. In the future, we'll be colleagues and we will look after each other. The contract will be ready by tomorrow. Will you be free then?"

"I don't dare to accept such high honor to look after each other. I just hope you'll look after me, a newcomer. I don't have any problem signing the contract tomorrow. Then, do you need me today for anything else?"

"Right, you can go back and rest. Come on, I'll see you out."

Gao Wanzhi dropped Lu Ze at the elevator. It was hard to imagine the chief of the management department personally and courteously dropping off a newcomer who hadn't even signed the contract yet. However, upon thinking about the pathetic artiste department which only had four trainees, being a tad bit polite to Lu Ze, who could instantly start his career in the company after signing the contract, was indeed reasonable.

Moreover, being featured in Gu Mingde's works as an amateur was a testament to Lu Ze's skill. In the future, if he was properly developed by expending sufficient resources on his shortcomings, although he might not turn into a top-class superstar, even if he grew normally, he could easily become a compelling actor with quite a bit of fame.

In other words, perhaps Lu Ze wouldn't become the future pillar of support for Qianshijia, but there wouldn't be any big issue turning him into a part of the company's core power. Such a formidable newcomer was more than enough for the company to attach importance to him.

After Lu Ze left in the elevator, Gao Wanzhi turned around and headed to the CEO's office. The assistant outside stood up and politely nodded at her.

After coughing twice, she knocked on the door.

"Come in." President Hu's voice came from inside. Gao Wanzhi opened the door and faintly nodded at the handsome middle-aged man sitting on the executive chair behind the desk.

"President Hu."

Hu Zhiyan was going through documents on his computer. After seeing Gao Wanzhi enter, he took his hands off the mouse, removed his glasses, and spoke while rubbing his eyes, "What's going on? Come have a seat and chat."

Once Gao Wanzhi was seated, the secretary brought a cup of coffee and placed it on the table before her, then immediately left with the empty tray.

"The amateur that Director Gu recommended was just here. We've already conducted the basic interview."

"Oh, then how did he perform? Was there anything special about him? Do you mind if I have a cigarette?"

Gao Wanzhi shook her head. Hu Zhiyan took out a cigarette from his drawer, lit it, and leaned back in his chair, waiting for her to go ahead.

She opened a file—Lu Ze's resume—and spoke while looking at the document, "Lu Ze, 25 years old, high school graduate. He's a native of Liaoning, who's been working as an extra in Hengdian for the past two years and three months. Recently, he obtained a supporting role in Director Gao's new work. He's been playing a special in the past few months. In the audition, his performance was solid. He's never learned singing or dancing, so we can't determine if he can enter multiple lines. The only thing that can be said is that there's no problem with the acting side. He's a good young talent for filming. Here's his photo. Please have a look if you'd like."

When she placed the first page of the resume on the table, Hu Zhiyan picked it up and quickly went through it. He also felt satisfied with the figure and appearance of the talent.

Tapping the ashes, Hu Zhiyan placed the resume on the table again. "What about his consent?"

"He's already agreed to sign the contract. He's straightforward, and he's also quite a steady chap. Therefore, I wanted to ask you which contract you think will be suitable here."

"Which contract, huh?" Dropping the cigarette butt in the ashtray, Hu Zhiyan thought for a moment before replying, "C-grade."

Gao Wanzhi was not surprised. Indeed, Lu Ze had the means to obtain this grade. It could also be perceived as Hu Zhiyan dishing out generous benefits to preserve talents.

It should be known that Qianshijia's E-grade contracts were for learning trainees while the D-grade contracts were for newly debuting artistes, and the C-grade contracts were reserved for artistes that had already achieved some small accomplishments.

"I understand. I'll notify the legal department, and I'll also start the preparations from my side. Then, I'll take my leave, President Hu."

"Alright, go ahead. Isn't a batch of trainees coming soon? Judge them well too. You may leave."

The subject came to a close. All the departments began to propel forward for Lu Ze. The first was the legal department while the other departments were on hold until Lu Ze signed the contract. Thereupon, they would immediately begin to lay the groundwork for him.


When Lu Ze found a guesthouse, he entered and handed his ID over at the reception.

"How much is a standard room?"

After getting the room card, he arrived at his room, threw his bag aside, and jumped high, smashing into the bed in a strange arc.

Clenching the pillow, he felt a bit apprehensive. Anybody would feel a bit bewildered when confronted with such an uncertain future. He was the same. Although he'd agreed to sign the contract, he still felt some fear of the future.


Feeling a bit hungry as well as a bit thirsty, he opened the bottle of mineral water placed on the table and drank half of it in one gulp. With a burp, he headed to the bathroom.

His broken place from before didn't have a proper bathroom. Usually, he would merely wipe his body and call it a day. For a proper bath, he would have to head to the bathhouse. 

Although he was just a bit dirty, he didn't have a choice. This was the reason that he took a shower first. After bathing, he blow-dried his hair and put on his clothes. Then, he placed the room card in his bag and left the room.

It seemed like he would be spending a night in Shanghai for the first time, so he had to properly see the nightlife of the city.

After eating a bowl of rice noodle soup, he wandered into the streets of Shanghai. Suddenly, a booming voice came from a distance and it felt like it was coming increasingly closer.

A red sports car sped past him, causing his gaze to be fixed on the silhouette of the vehicle.

"A looks so f*cking sexy."

He propped both his elbows on the protective railing at the end of the street. Lighting up a cigarette, he spoke with a sigh, trying to increase his own confidence as well, "Once I make it, I'll also buy one."