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When Lu Ze signed his full name on the contract, the rock on everybody's heart was finally lifted. The other employees in Gao Qanzhi's office began to appropriately clap for Lu Ze while congratulating him.

As of that moment, Qianshijia's first C-grade contracted artiste was born. At the same time, he would also be the first artiste who would soon be launched.

Actually, when you thought about it, for a company with such a big backing, not launching a single artiste until now was more than a little miserable.

"From now on, we're officially one family. I'll soon arrange for your manager. The company will try its best to arrange auditions for you, and you've got to give your all too. Work hard." Gao Wanzhi stood up and shook hands with Lu Ze, even saying a few lines of encouragement. The displeasure from work could not be allowed to affect one's mood. The moment Lu Ze signed his name, all the arguments and disputes from before vanished like smoke.

"Thank you, Big Sister Gao. I was a bit too riled up just now. You're right. We're one family from now on. Please forget about the bad experience just now."

"Don't worry. I'm not so petty. Come, follow me. President Hu said he wants to meet you if you've signed the contract."

Upon hearing Gao Wanzhi's words, Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. This development was a bit too unexpected. He was not prepared to meet the company president. However, he quickly responded and stood up while rubbing his hands.

At the door of the CEO's office, the duo notified the secretary and knocked on the door. After getting the approval, they walked in.

"President Hu, Lu Ze has signed with our company. I've brought him to meet you."

"Alright, have a seat." Hu Zhiyan was sitting on the other side, causing the chair to completely block Lu Ze's gaze. There was only an insipid smoke rising in the room, making it look like a movie scene.

After Lu Ze and Gao Wanzhi took their seats, Hu Zhiyan turned around. The cigarette in his hand, the gray blue-striped shirt, and the sparkling navy blue tie accentuated his sharpness and vigor. His appearance wasn't considered drop-dead gorgeous, but with his swept-back hair and sideburns, he exuded the mature charm of a middle-aged man. He could be considered a handsome middle-aged man.

"Hello, President Hu. I'm Lu Ze." Lu Ze slightly nodded at Hu Zhiyuan. The difference in their statuses was too big, so there was a need to shake hands and other such formalities.

"Right...you look much better compared to the photo. Hahaha, good. I'll not make the usual polite statements since you've already joined Qianshijia. I can't help you in vain. I'll surely test whether your merits have been exaggerated. Only if you have the strength, I'll help you and you'll deserve my help. Are you clear about that?"

"I understand, President Hu. I'll try my very best. What one speaks of has to be based on strength."

"Good, I'll keep these words of yours in mind. To speak based on strength—don't let it smack your own face. It won't look so good on you. Although we haven't met before, I've heard Gu Mindge's praises for you. He said that you only lack the opportunity, and as long as you get that, you'll certainly rise up. Gu Mingde is my childhood friend, and I trust his words one hundred percent. Since he said you lack opportunity, alright then! I'll give you the opportunity, so grab it!"

How about telling him how to get along in the company instead of trying to get him all riled up? A few words of his even caused Lu Ze to feel a bit moved. If it had been a normal young man, blood would have rushed to their heads, and they would be ready to sacrifice themselves for their country. Fortunately, Lu Ze was not normal...He was not one to be satisfied with words.

"I'll strive to the best of my abilities and I won't disappoint you, President Hu."

Hu Zhiyuan took a puff and nodded with a smile. "Fine then. You're living in Hengdian right now, aren't you? Companies can't allow private jobs, so you have to move to Shanghai. If your situation doesn't allow you to rent a room here, there is a lot of vacant space in the hostel. You can even live alone. Alright, sort out your matters and return. You've got three days. Come and report back here after three days."

"Okay, President Hu. Then, I'll take my leave. See you later, President Hu. You too, Big Sister Gao."

As soon as Lu Ze rose to his seat, Gao Wanzhi rose up with a smile as well. "I'll see you off."

"That's alright. You must be busy, Big Sister Gao. I'll be fine by myself."

Opening the door of the CEO's office, Lu Ze urged Gao Wanzhi back, then turned around and left. Actually, Lu Ze clearly understood in his heart that she had no desire to see him off. After all, he was already an employee of the company, and she was considered his boss. Where was the logic in the boss seeing her subordinate off?

It was just that she'd accompanied him before he'd signed the contract and even spoken intimately. She feared that if she didn't keep up the act, Lu Ze would take it to heart, so she was merely continuing the pretense…

As the door closed, Gao Wanzhi returned to her seat and looked at President Hu, waiting for his response.

"He's alright. Pretty smart. Having crawled out of the swamp, he's indeed a bit cunning. Nevertheless, to earn in this line of work, being a bit smart is not bad. He's quite aware and has a good read on people. The words alone can't satisfy him. He's quite different from a young man in his twenties."

Gao Wanzhi couldn't agree more. Hearing his words, she couldn't help but faintly nod. "Right. Actually, he negotiated unyieldingly with me while signing the contract. I also didn't dare say too much. Oh, right, President Hu. He isn't signed for ten years but for eight."

Hu Zhiyan picked up the teacup and blew on it once before taking a sip. He leaned back in his chair again and played with a pure white jade.

"If he really has that power, eight years is the same as ten years. It doesn't make any difference. If he doesn't have the ability, it still doesn't matter. We should expect success from him, but at the same time, we should also observe him. If he wants to have fun with people outside, there's no need to care about that. Just make sure to stop him running new trainees. These slippery adolescents won't be able to control themselves. Weed it out as soon as it happens."

"Alright, I'll pay attention."

"Good. There's nothing else. Make arrangements for his screening tests as soon as possible. His true colors will only show after that. Ah...this back pain just doesn't go away."

"I heard acupuncture and moxibustion are pretty effective. Why don't you give it a try, President Hu?"

"Never mind. This is a rich man's disease: spinal disc herniation. There is no other way except proper rest. Oh, right, your kid…"


After leaving Qianshijia, Lu Ze lit a cigarette. His current state of mind was quite calm. It had merely been a few moments of anxiety when he was signing the contract.

Eight years...Lu Ze was actually not very satisfied with this duration. He still felt that it was too long, and there was no insurance.

Right, he had the system, but it was f*cking useless here! Neither could it pull things out of thin air, nor could it conjure a martial artist or an immortal Daoist who could pierce the hearts of anybody who provoked him with flying swords.

It was merely an advanced teaching assistant. It couldn't do anything close to things like making the host rich or handsome, or producing a luxury car or a mansion. 

Aside from affecting Lu Ze's own brain, it couldn't even create a puff of wind. When Lu Ze occasionally read some novels whereby the protagonists would soar in the sky and pierce the ground deeply with the help of their system, he would curse his own system for being junk.

Therefore, he couldn't help but not be worried. As a celebrity, people would be looking to find all kinds of fault in you. If, by any chance, Lu Ze really did something that caused him to get boycotted, what would he do?

At that time, the company would not spend any resources on him, and he wouldn't be able to take roles on his own either unless he paid the penalty. But where would he get a million yuan from? Would he have to give up acting and open a small restaurant back home? Still, even that required starting capital. This was his youth, eight years of his youth, to be precise.

Therefore, he couldn't help but feel terrified. At this critical juncture of his life, even though he was a bit nervous, he could only steady his steps and climb slowly. Otherwise, if his feet slipped, he would fall to his death before he knew it.

No matter how narrow the path was, it was still a path. At this point, he had no backing or qualifications. Therefore, he would rather be afraid and safeguard his own interests even if he had to act a bit wretchedly. He would not be reduced to a toy in somebody else's hands.

As he finished the cigarette, the bus arrived. Throwing the cigarette butt in the trash can, he boarded the bus.

Go home, pack your stuff, and move over!