Massive Warship

Because of the supergravity, the scanning signals could be warped, but due to how massive this metal object was, the metal scanner managed to make the signal out despite all the disruptions.

The signal strength gradually decreased the further it traveled. Xia Fei boldly predicted that the actual size of this object was probably more than 1.5 billion cubic meters.

It was already shocking to find a metal object 1.5 billion cubic meters; it would be even harder to imagine something bigger.

A few moments later, the Tomahawk traveled through layers of rock, nearing the huge metal object, but Xia Fei and Phantom were utterly shocked when they finally saw it with their eyes.

For it was a warship.

A warship that could not be described in words.

A massive warship.

It was definitely not 1.5 billion cubic meters, but fifteen billion cubic meters in volume..