Tragic Withdrawal from the Capital Ring

At 7:49 Venal time, an hour and forty minutes after the descent of the insectoid invasion army.

The Ministry of Military Affairs, the joint conference of supreme defense commanders.

Tai intentionally coughed twice. "The President announced roughly more than an hour ago that the entire Alliance is now under martial law. The military now has complete control of its defenses. The reserves and civil defense forces will soon come under our control.

"Currently, we require a workable strategy to drive these contemptible bugs out of the Alliance territory."

The generals were all silent. Williams took out a box of maple syrup candy and lightly placed one in his mouth before speaking. "Our enemies' goal is very clear: occupy the capital. After which, they'll use the resources of the capital ring to move onto the next phase of their plan. We must stop them from achieving their goal."