Revenge on the Na'vi

The massive Thanatos carrier moved through the pitch-black darkness of space. In the main control room, Xia Fei emerged from the bottom of the control desk and put the universal pliers back into his pocket.

"It's done. The Estamel cloaking device has been linked to the navigation control system. For the rest of the journey, we can advance while cloaked, saving us a lot of unnecessary trouble."

The little robot Pod rushed over with a cup of Xia Fei's favorite biluochun green tea. "Master, you've worked hard. Alas, Pod was made to be a servant robot and can't help you with machinery repair, and the ones who could repair machines turned traitor."

The mention of the members of his kind that had betrayed mankind made Pod turn sad. Xia Fei patted him on the head. "It's fine. You're different from your comrades. Besides, you're the best servant robot I've ever seen. Everyone has their worth, and simply doing their duty is more than enough."