Level 2 Law Warrior!

As Xia Fei made his way back, he received plenty of hesitant glances. The world was truly an ever interesting place. When Xia Fei's brain region was deemed to be ruined and there was no way for him to cultivate Law, everyone looked at him with contempt and derision. However, the moment his seventh brain region was fixed and he demonstrated his strength, these eyes no longer despised him but were now all looking at him with uncertainty.

It was as if all of them were convinced that Xia Fei had received some preferential treatment or had gotten extremely lucky. Nobody would have believed that behind Xia Fei was also ceaseless hard work and making a practically insane choice.

"That's great, Xia Fei! You're really still that all-powerful madman from human territory; even the Law Realm isn't able to bury you!" the short-haired Julie excitedly shouted. "I knew it! I knew you'd succeed!"