Heavenly Symphony!

Seraph. This was the new gene optimization fluid's codename.

Without a doubt, this was developed jointly by Xia Fei, Phantom, and Harris and was something that practically had a 100% chance of opening the seventh brain region. It was an unbelievable amazing gene optimization fluid, which was completely without any adverse side effects! If it was mass-produced in earnest, it would bring forth an unprecedented wave of change to the rules of the universe.

There were nine identical flasks of gene optimization fluid sitting on the table. These were all sent over after Charlie completed his human experimentations. Out of the hundred flasks, Xia Fei picked the best to administer to Avril.

Even though the human experimentations had proven that Seraph was completely harmless to humans and it had even achieved the shocking 100% success rate at opening a person's seventh brain region, Xia Fei could not help but still be somewhat worried.