The Ark fragment!

"That's strange… Why is this a one-way passage?" the old demon lord asked, feeling puzzled.

Xia Fei had also noticed this problem. Secluded Springs was well-known for its varied and revolving paths, forking out after a short distance, changing in a myriad of ways. Even the natives had trouble identifying the right way around the Secluded Springs.

However, this passageway he was now in had no forks even after several hundred miles, becoming a singular winding path. This was very abnormal and decidedly different from the channels Xia Fei had been in before.

Furthermore, the number of plants on both sides of this passage they were on was shockingly plenty. In just a small area of one square meter, there were actually more than a dozen or so large trees crisscrossing over one another! These branches with lush leaves brimmed with vitality.