Powerful Allies of the Hidden Realm!

Little Goldie was acting very abnormally, but it was hard to say whether this was out of excitement or pain. In short, its body fiercely shuddered as energy pulses came out of its body.

Several minutes later, Little Goldie burped, a sour gas coming from its belly. It giggled at Xia Fei as if nothing had happened, its honest and simple appearance truly amusing.

However, Xia Fei stared at Little Goldie in disbelief. This was because the demon chrysalis had experienced a huge transformation in only a few minutes!

The large eye had split in two, and the mouth had moved from the belly to the front of the head!

Little Goldie seemed to be in the middle of changing from the normal appearance of a demon chrysalis. It was still that strange golden color, but the rest of its body had rapidly shifted. Right now, Little Goldie looked like a giant caterpillar, its soft golden fur appearing very comfortable to sit on.