The Dark Night Diary’s Secret


The Gemini came to an abrupt halt. Using its narrow frame, it silently hid behind a small asteroid belt, as still as the vast expanse around them.

Xia Fei kept White Skull and quickly jumped out of the Precious Brilliance Space, headed to the cockpit and using its radar system to search for any traces left by Dark lifeforms.

"According to the Dark Night Diary, the proper entrance to the Dark lifeform territory should be near here. It's heavily guarded, so it's best if we stay silent as we sneak our way in to avoid being noticed by our enemy. If that's too much, we can call Little Goldie and enter via the Dark Space, but the Dark lifeforms have defenses in Dark Space, so it'll take some effort on our part to get past them. Besides, the difference between the Dark Space and conventional space is huge. I wonder if Little Goldie has caught up to us yet," Radix said.