Killing with a Borrowed Knife


Xia Fei and Zesyr Night were suddenly surrounded by seven young men as they walked the streets. They wore luxurious clothes and bore unkind expressions.

Zesyr frowned and instinctively grabbed Xia Fei's arm. At the end of the day, she was a girl. No matter how much training she had had in the training center, she had never actually fought someone before and was rather nervous.

"Xia Fei, we finally found you. When are you going to return Third Brother's money?!" a monkey-faced youth with a shrill voice said while chuckling sinisterly; the others around him all scowled.

Radix saw what these guys were wearing and said grimly, "They're from the Laz Clan. They were all taking lessons in the school. Look at that. They're even wearing the clan emblem on their waists."