Sudden Evaluation

At the same moment when Xia Fei started to repair the soul weapons, the personal bodyguard from the Venus of Eternal Night, Sivatu, began his report to his patriarch. Besides Zesyr Night's daily routine, this report included a new name: Xia Fei.

"You said that his surname is Xia? Which clan is he from?" Ye Yun stroked his beard and asked.

Sivatu replied, "From what I know, that Xia Fei fellow isn't from any major clan."

The current patriarch of the Venus of Eternal Night, Ye Yun, chuckled and said, "This is rather amusing. He's not from a major clan and doesn't give off any energy pulses, but he managed to order that rogue from the Sebastian Clan to betray and kill his master.

"Forget it. Regardless, he treats Zesyr rather well, so there's no need to cause him any trouble."

Sivatu nodded. He then frowned and asked, "What do we know about the Laz Clan?"