Xia Fei’s Engagement

Avril was very quiet. She carefully looked around her, taking in this place that Xia Fei was born and had once lived.

Avril's father and grandfather had nagged the entire trip here, highlighting all the unfairness Xia Fei had inflicted upon her. They did not mean that Xia Fei was bad for Avril. After all, anyone could see that the man had done plenty of things for her. In fact, even her life had been saved by him.

It was just that Xia Fei had too many bad habits, such as always getting into trouble wherever he went and randomly disappearing for long periods of time.

Precisely because Xia Fei was always in trouble that he had not much time to accompany Avril. Most of the time, she would be living her life alone, and that was why her father and grandfather had plenty of complaints about him.