Simulating Soul Arrays

Dark space was a very mysterious place. It existed parallel to the universe, but it did not belong to the universe. At times, traveling between two points that would usually take several years in the universe could be done by simply taking a turn in dark space.

Thanks to Little Goldie, Xia Fei could freely go in and out of dark space. Seven hours after the beast flood had erupted, Xia Fei's group appeared near another spatial gate.

Standing at the deck window, he looked in the direction of the beast horde. The distance was already astronomical scale, so there was nothing to be seen.

"What's our next step? Should we inform the entire universe about the beast flood or return directly to base?" Xia Guanghai asked.

Xia Fei replied, "Inform the Aurora Clan and the Night Clan, I guess. You can ignore the rest."