A Woman’s Eyes

Qin Zimo was a sullen middle-aged man. His eyes were gloomy and had high cheekbones. His hair was always a mess, looking like he had just recently rolled out of bed.

Xia Fan and Qin Zimo left Dad's apartment and took the lift down. Leaving the precinct, they walked side-by-side into the lonely night as they headed in the direction that the lame man was seen disappearing toward.

"Have you caught the killer's scent?" Qin Zimo asked Xia Fan curiously.

Xia Fan shook his head, "There are twelve households on Dad's floor, and several dozen people of all ages. Even with my Scent special ability, I have trouble differentiating the smell of the killer in such a complicated environment."

Qin Zimo was perplexed. "Then how do you plan to locate the killer? He's been gone for more than an hour. Who knows where he disappeared to?"