Skywing’s Comrade-in-Arms, Tamu the Chosen!

Taking the path to the right would lead straight to the elders from the Four Great Clans. Luolin had once tried that way and ended up being caught by them. That was how his eyes had been cruelly gouged out, and what made Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha decide to go the opposite direction, heading for the core of Planet One.

The rocky wall on both sides showed signs of man-made excavation, with many luminous particles mixed in with the granite. It was hard to imagine this planet had actually passed through the Cosmic Gate and into Ashen Moon, and had managed to remain intact. Plants, animals, water, mountains, and everything had survived the great destructive energies of the Cosmic Gate!

Xia Fan was extremely fast, and it did not take long for him to discover a strange location. A sealed door appeared in the cave. Like the landing module of a warship, its thick alloy doors were shut vertically, and there was an electronic console on the side that controlled it.