The Might of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha!

What a blatant insult!

Traveling Buddha had never been so angry in his life before. He was enraged, his eyes exploding with a murderous glint. He looked like he was about to get into a fight with General Dresden!

However, Xia Fan reached out to stop him, flashing him a look. Traveling Buddha was helpless, and indignantly turned his gaze away.

"General, we'll listen to your orders," Xia Fan said.

Dresden ignored Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, leading everyone to take the path that he had chosen. In all fairness, this old general was not against anyone. He simply did not like someone challenging his authority. He had not wanted to bring Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha along in the first place, and had only done so at the insistence of the city lord. That was why he had spoken as discourteously as he did, given that he was already disgruntled with the current arrangement.