Chapter 74 horizontal development

[ system message: during host's advancement, the Barbarian King's bloodline was activated and the Barbarian King's roars were learned. The host has obtained the skill-battle roar (silver). ]

[ battle cry: barbarians in battle will always shout loudly to intimidate others. ]

skill description: when the host roars in battle in the future, the host will be able to suppress others with his spirit and will. The host will be intimidated by the battle roar. Those who are timid or weak-willed will be torn apart by the host's roar. In this state, the enemy's various qualities will decline, and there is a certain possibility that they will be stunned.

"This time it's actually a silver grade."

Regardless of the class, one would acquire a basic skill during the advancement. For example, Lu Chen acquired boiling blood when he was still a barbarian Blood Warrior and swordsman acquired swordsmanship mastery.