Who is the evil ghost!

"You want to compete with me in strength? come on!"

Lu Chen knew it was a trap but he still went for it. He was not stupid.

It was because Lu Chen understood that his strongest points were his Constitution and strength. He was happy to see the evil competing in strength with him.

And if he couldn't even win against the second strongest in terms of strength, then the chances of Lu Chen winning in other aspects would be even lower.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn't back down when the hand was about to grab him. Instead, he grinned hideously and grabbed the hand.

"Bang!" In the blink of an eye, the two hands met.

Just as he expected, it was a trap. When he caught the evil, a strong force came from the direction of the mist, trying to pull Lu Chen into it.

The force was very strong. If he was not prepared in advance, he might be pulled into the fog by the sneak attack.

However, Lu Chen was already prepared for this.