Chapter 86 bait

Richard obviously didn't want to respond to the girl's words, but for some reason, it seemed that it had to.

Even if the girl stopped him from saving his hometown, Richard had to answer.

The girl, on the other hand, could sense Richard's impatience. She was not afraid of the terrifying 2.4-meter-tall figure staring at her.

She covered her face with the fan in her hand and smiled.

"General, are you going to continue like this?"

"What, is there a trap down there?"

"General, we're not afraid even if there's a trap. We're barbarian Warriors, we're fearless."

that's right, general. Let us go down. We can tear all the evils to pieces.


The rest of the words were said by the other barbarians. The warrior named cruel agreed with what they said.

However, those words made the girl shake her head. "As expected, they are just a bunch of barbarians."

Such a disdainful voice naturally made all the barbarians look at the girl with ill intentions.