Chapter 129 Demacia

Other than being strong, the Willow branches were also very tough. The large net woven by the Willow branches could still block many attacks.

However, Lu Chen's strength was just too strong. After controlling all the strength in his body with the fatal strike, his strength was even more terrifying.

With such strength and the potential energy of leap strike, Lu Chen felt like he could destroy everything.

And that was the truth. Even though the bewitching Willow used countless branches to block the attack, the next moment, as Lu Chen landed, " jump " " jump " " jump " " jump " sounds could be heard.

It was the sound of Lu Chen landing and smashing everything into pieces.

The defense of the Willow branches was completely useless. In just a short period of time, Lu Chen's iron sword had cut down countless willow branches and they all landed on the bewitching Willow.

crack! a loud sound was heard. The terrifying force almost cut the bewitching Willow in half.