Immortal divinity

this evil is so strong. It should be able to drop some rare items.

With that thought in mind, Lu Chen turned around and walked toward the direction.

However, what made Lu Chen squint his eyes was that when he turned around, he saw red butterfly Ji also sneakily walking toward the fragment.

This made Lu Chen hold the iron sword with both of his hands.

As for red butterfly Ji, when she saw Lu Chen turn his head, she also showed an annoyed expression.

a cold and hard stinky rock. Can't you forget it just once? "

Although she was complaining in her heart, a smile appeared on her face.

Richard, before we came in, we agreed that I would give you items as support. I'll choose the items in the Shadow Realm first.

These words made Yi speechless. Before entering, red butterfly Ji did give him many things.

Just as he was about to speak, Lu Chen spoke.

"You did tell Master Yi, but I killed this evil, and I didn't take your things for free."