The scheme of the people of Yunzhou

so what if I lose my reputation after losing the battle? as long as I continue to gain experience points during the battle, I will continue to grow stronger.

"Some reputation can't compare to my own strength."

With that in mind, Lu Chen took a rest in the medicinal hot spring.

As for red butterfly Ji, her heart slowly became firm.

I can't disobey Your Highness's will, but I can't let people challenge Your Highness continuously either. I'll separate those powerhouses later. Each powerhouse will be separated by five ordinary barbarian Warriors, no, ten ordinary barbarian Warriors.

It could only be said that even if a mu was a wuzu, he still couldn't understand some of the dirty tricks. He thought that if the leader's son signed up continuously, he would be able to challenge continuously, but there were always hidden tricks in the world.