Did you guys offend the Prince?

Looking at the swordsman's disinterested face, Lu Chen also felt bored. He pinched him and knocked him out. Then, he threw the swordsman to the encampment of the people of Yunzhou.

However, to Lu Chen's surprise, the man from Yunzhou was a little slow to react and almost missed the swordsman.

Lu Chen had a guess in his mind.

"It seems that this person is not very popular in the team!"

This was just Lu Chen's guess and if the swordsman knew what Lu Chen was thinking, he would definitely spit on Lu Chen's face.

"I'm very popular in the sect."

Of course, after he woke up, the swordsman would probably be too scared to even talk to Lu Chen.

The swordsman wasn't the only one who had such thoughts. The reason why the people of Yunzhou were so slow was also because they were scared by Lu Chen.

Before the swordsman went on stage, the people of Yunzhou could still comfort themselves by saying that Lu Chen was despicable and won in an abnormal way.