I'll repeat it again: I am a swordsman

"How did you see through my trick?"

Hou Yi didn't expect to get an answer to this question, but something unexpected happened. The Barbarian actually answered.

your invisibility is not bad. Unfortunately, I have intuition. Any plot or trick will be detected by my intuition. If you want to defeat me, then use your strength. No small tricks can hurt me.

That was the last thing Hou Yi heard. Then, he felt a pain in his neck and the black man in front of him passed out.

Lu Chen threw the swordsman off the stage and shook his head, " "The body of a swordsman is indeed weak!"

After that, Lu Chen took another look at the swordsmen and his face was filled with joy.

"You guys are really unlucky to have met me."

Lingyun sect was really unlucky to have met Lu Chen.