The terrifying legendary giant sword

Lu Chen was shocked. This was the result of him not reading the skill description carefully.

One thing was that in League of Legends, garen could be said to be a warrior or a swordsman, but these were not his duties. His real identity was the commander of the army.

Galen's skills were all used to deal with legions in battle, and the same was true for the power of Demacia.

According to the description of Demacia's power, this was the power of will that gathered the Demacia Federation's United will and used this power to punish and attack the enemy.

In Lu Chen's case, it became the barbarian's will to punish his enemies.

The skill didn't seem to be a problem. Usually, Lu Chen would only consume his vitality when he used it, but it didn't seem to be a problem.

But one thing was that Lu Chen had always used it in the wilderness where there were very few barbarians and the will power of the Barbarian was not that strong.